Car loan eligibility is about whether you can get a loan to buy a car. It depends on things like how much you earn, your credit score, and if you have other debts. Lenders use these details to decide if you can repay the loan. If you meet their criteria, you're eligible for the loan; if not, you might need to wait or improve your financial situation before getting a car loan.
Car loan eligibility criteria vary from one bank to another, but generally include factors such as your age (usually 21 to 65 years), minimum income (often around INR 20,000 per month), and stable employment. A good credit score, usually 650 or above, is important. Some banks might require you to be a salaried employee or self-employed, while others could need you to have a certain work experience or business vintage. Banks also consider your existing debts and liabilities to ensure you can manage the loan. Checking with each bank directly or using their online eligibility calculators can provide precise criteria tailored to their policies.